资源 6


The vowels are the most powerful five families in our world, I and A are more prominent because they can be a word themselves. The status of other three vowel family is also a lot higher than consonants because they are needed to combine with consonants. Many companies and factories, governments and schools are monopolized by these five families.
There are 21 consonant letters. They usually have no social status. They do all the work of foiling. Sometimes they are not pronounced in a word. They just show their faces, but sometimes when they have a good relationship with vowels, they could be respected. For example, “m” often appears with “I” and apostrophe, so the status of “m” has also improved. But I heard that in a parallel world, such as the world of Chinese, some letters such as v will not be used at all, so they will never be produced. It is quite horrible. The appearance of one “person” in another world is completely wiped out.